Our National Food NW Egg Farms
The majority of our National Food NW egg farms are in Washington’s Snohomish County as well as Adams, Yakima and Thurston counties. We also operate one farm in South Dakota. These farms are surrounded by acres of crops conducive for the soils and geography that surround them. All our farms support local agriculture by providing natural organic chicken manure fertilizer allowing local farmers to farm with minimal chemical fertilizers and a lower carbon footprint.
Our egg farming methods and certifications are some of the strongest in the industry. Visit our How We Farm page to learn more.
We operate our own proprietary feed mills, pullet farms, layer farms and processing and distribution plants in Washington, Oregon and South Dakota, serving markets throughout the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest. By controlling every aspect of production, processing and distribution, we are able to assure that our customers receive the highest quality shell eggs and egg products.
The majority of our eggs are sold locally. When you purchase our local eggs, you are buying eggs with one of the lowest carbon footprint available. Many egg brands, that on the surface appear sustainable, may be shipped over 2000 miles to reach your market.

Our Washington Farms
Our National Food NW egg farms in Washington are surrounded by natural habitat. Our first Washington farm was built over 60 years ago. These farms are 100% Cage-Free and hens are raised in a Cage-Free aviary system. Our Washington farms produce Organic, Cage-Free Browns, Cage-Free Whites, Omega-3 and specialty branded eggs.

Cherry Lane Family Farms
Our National Food NW Cherry Lane Farm is in the heart of Washington State’s Snohomish County. The farm produces predominately Organic and Cage-Free shell eggs as well as eggs for our proprietary Chefs Select line of egg products.
Our Chef’s Select® Egg Product lines include yolks, whole eggs, whites and whole egg blends in the size and packaging that works best for manufacturing and food service professionals.

Our South Dakota Farm
Our National Food NW South Dakota Farm was built over 30 years ago. It is in the heart of Aurora County and it farms traditional brown and white eggs. In South Dakota we operate our own proprietary feed mill, pullet farm, layer farm and processing and distribution system. This farm provides high quality local eggs to the Dakotas and our nearby Midwest marketing area.