Employee benefits at National Food NW include medical healthcare benefits as well as dental benefits, vacation pay, and profit-sharing retirement accounts. This is your resource page to learn more about your benefits package.

Medical and Dental Benefits
Need more information on your employee medical and dental benefits? Your employee medical/dental card has your employee plan ID numbers and your benefit administrator phone numbers. Give them a call with any questions concerning your coverage.
You can also visit the UMR United Health Care administrator website for health care information and assistance in finding a provider. Or simply download the UMR App for a smarter, simpler and faster way to manage your health care benefits straight from your phone.

Profit Sharing Retirement Accounts
Need more information on your employee benefit profit sharing retirement account? You can login to your individual retirement account with Standard-401k Plan to check balances and make changes.

Inexpensive Eggs
All employees are able to purchase eggs below the cost of production. Don’t forget to pick yours up!
Have unanswered Questions?
For any questions call your Human Resource Specialist at our main office on this toll free number 888-854-9450